Private Training
We offer Private Training to provide your family with one-on-one undivided attention to tackle any issues you have in or out of the home.
To schedule a in home consultation, please fill out our Training Inquiry Form.
For further questions on our training and more, please read our F.A.Q.
Rescue Organizations

Puppy Education & Training
Getting a new puppy can be both exciting and scary, especially if you have never raised a puppy before. For
first-time owners, it’s important to note that puppies aren’t
small furry humans – they are a completely different species with their own natural behaviors and desires.
All puppies must be consistently trained, so that they grow up into a well-mannered, sweet, and loving dog that everyone dreams of having.
Teaching your puppy how to learn and how to engage
are truly life lessons that will follow your puppy throughout
its adult life. The key to success is maintaining motivation
during your puppies education and keeping it fun.
Age: 10 weeks to 4 months
Puppy Home Proofing
Puppy Rearing
Nutrition Class
Understanding Your Puppy
Leadership Roles
Teaching your puppy their name
Getting your puppies attention (Focus Cue)
House training/Potty Training
Crate training (Optional)
Proper Socialization with play time
Intro to Basic Training Commands (Sit and Heel)
Basic Training
As your dog enters the adolescent stage, your leadership and guidance will be of major importance. You patience will be tested but this is where you get a chance to shine
as their calm assertive leader. Teaching them how you
want them to behave in and out of the home through
trust and respect.
Age: 4 months and older​
Understanding Your Dog
Leadership Roles
Focus Cue
Learning the Proper Walk (Heel)
Come/Recall with distractions
Leave It & Drop It
Off (Humans and furniture)
Wait (in car, at door, in motion, etc.)
Door Exercise ("Go to Place" with sit, down, stay)
60 Minute Sessions - 8 sessions total - $1200.00
Additional Dog - $400.00​
60 Minute Sessions - 8 sessions total - $800.00
Additional Puppy - $300.00
Combined Puppy & Basic Training - $1800.00 for 14 sessions
The sessions are spread out over 4 months to allow your puppy to grow and give you time to complete homework, bond with your puppy and learn more about them.
Learning The Proper Walk
Age: 3 months and older
This course is strictly for learning to properly walk your dog. If you dog has already completed training courses with other trainers, but still need extra help learning to HEEL.
60 Minute Sessions - 4 sessions total - $475.00
Finding the proper walking tool
How to properly handle the leash
Heel Position with Auto-Sit and Focus
Loose Leash Walking
Leash Control
Leash Reactivity
Adoption Counseling Course
This course is formulated for families that are looking to add to their pack. Adding a new member can be exciting and unpredictable. This course is to educate all family members on how to pick and ultimately bring home a new pack member. The goal is to have the new pack member feel welcomed, accepted and ready to bond with their new pack.
60 minute sessions - 8 sessions total - $1000.00
Course includes but not limited to:
How to choose your new pack member
Proper home introductions
Housebreaking / Potty Training
Crate Training
Puppy Education & Home Proofing
Introductions to other pets in the pack
Reiki Treatments for the pack​
Intro to Basic Training Sessions. There is an option to continue basic training sessions after the counseling course.
Behavior Modification & Rehabilitation
Dealing with a canine that has lost their way enjoying life as a canine can be a long process to help them heal and move forward. Providing this for your dog has many steps that need to take place. Our Wellness Program will be included in the process of rehabilitation. We ask that you trust the process and complete all tasks given in order to help your dog heal.
Available for all ages.
Learning Human Pack Leadership Roles
Reintroducing the Crate
Adult Potty Training
Solving Unwanted Behavior
Separation Anxiety
Rescue Dogs
Traumatized Dogs
Puppy Mill Dogs & Puppies
Fear Base Dogs
Addressing all aggression issues
Socialization Skills
Any other problems that need to be addressed in or out of the home
If needed we will incorporate our K9 Wellness Programs. Joint Reiki & Training sessions are $150.00
90 Minute sessions starting at $125.00 per session
Bringing Home Baby Program
There are many myths and recommendations when it comes to dogs and Newborn babies. It is important to get the correct information and having the right harmony in your home. Once a new baby is on the way, expecting parents may experience mixed feelings, questions or concerns about raising dogs and kids together. The Bringing Home Baby Program exists to support families as they learn how to safely include their dog in the new family dynamic.
90 Minute Sessions -
All Ages - $500.00 for 5 sessions
A session is scheduled every 3 weeks leading up to the birth. One final session one month after the baby is home and well.
The Program includes a Reiki Session for the pack unit.
Additional Information for Training Sessions
General Private Information:
All clients must sign a contract with Bella's Kanine Training.
Forms of payment accepted: Check, Cash, Credit/Debit Card. Payment options are available for every client.
All Training fees may increase to accommodate travel expenses.
All Training fees will occur NY State Tax of 8%.
Required Vaccines: Lepto, Distemper, Parvo and Rabies. Bordetella is an option.
Each session is 1 hour in length. Dogs only tend to train for 15 - 25 min, the rest of the time we go over homework and I will answer questions or any concerns you may have.
Do NOT feed your dog before a session. Your dog should be HUNGRY. (Working for treat reward).
Wear closed-toe athletic shoes (NO CROCS) and comfortable clothing you can easily move around in.
To help your dog understand the training routine, I ask that all dogs be leashed prior at the start of each session.
Training sessions are schedule week to week to accommodate your schedule.
If a session needs to be rescheduled, please give 24 hour notice. If there is an emergency call, text or email Nichole immediately.​
Items you will need for training:
Please see our Training Tools
Nylon buckle, snap collar head collar, front harness, prong collar. (We will discuss the correct tools needed for your dog at first session/consult)
Nylon leash 6 feet long, suitable for the size of your dog.
No flexi/retractable leashes, chain leads or choke chains allowed.
If you do not have these items, they will be provided for you during the session. You may purchase the item used during training or purchase your own for the next session.
We use Fig & Tyler Freeze Dried Treats for training. PROMO CODE: NP1774 for 10% OFF your first order